Monday, March 10, 2008

The Zoo

Taking advantage of such beautiful weather, we headed to the zoo. The boys had a blast being chauffeured around in their strollers as they were fed snacks, given drinks, kept shaded and made sure that they were able to have optimum animal viewing. That is definitely the life...why do we have to get older? Why does independence get the better of us?

Anyways, the animals were definitely engaged and moving. We got to the zoo just at feeding time. So the bears were up and playing, the jaguar on the prowl, even the komodo dragon was climbing around in his cage. The boys had lots of fun and really enjoyed spending the day with Kara and Grant.

Glenda the baby gorilla and her mommy Rapunzel. It was here that the daddy gorilla, Kelly, got angry with being an animal on exhibit and started throwing his food very angrily at the lookers (which included us!).

This is the baby giraffe in the nursery that is only 28 days old in this picture. She was born at just FIVE feet tall and 150 pounds! Try giving birth to that sucker!

The entrance to Spider City. I can't stand this dang exhibit, but the boys love it. So this is one of the MANY sacrifices that I do for them...besides chauffeuring them around the zoo!

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy G said...

Yes, it has been GORGEOUS here too!!! The zoo is a great place to go on days like this.Looks like the boys had a WONDERFUL time. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!