Sunday, March 16, 2008

Safety Week

A long overdue post, but still worth posting and hopefully reading...last week at swimming, the boys had safety week instead of their regular swimming lessons. This is a really valuable lesson as it teaches the kids what to do when helping someone out of the pool, what to do when you fall into the pool until help comes, etc. Unfortunately for me, I didn't read the signs that said, no showers, keep your clothes on. This is unfortunate, because that means we will now get 2 weeks of safety week instead of one. I say unfortunate instead of fortunate, because that means I have to have a bag of sopping wet clothes and shoes instead of just a bag full of wet towels. The blessing in this is that they will get to see what it is like to be in the pool fully clothed and see how hard it is to swim that way.

Some of the things that they learned to was pulling someone in, using the pool ring to save someone, how to put on a life vest, floating in a life vest and how to position yourself when rescuing someone. Here are some pictures of the boys saving each other.
Logan rescuing Peyton

Peyton pulling in Logan

The boys learning to save their swim teacher, Alex.

Peyton helping Logan out with the noodle

1 comment:

Mom/Grammy G said...

Good job guys!!! Again, I am soooo proud of you!!!