Saturday, August 30, 2008
So here's what's been happening...
So a brief recap from as far back as I can recall and of course, if I forgot something, sorry, as I remember it, I will input it. Pictures will follow in another post...
In April, we travelled to Vegas, visiting my grandparents and meeting up with my parents. We were also able to see Grandma Gayanne and Aunt Lene. It was a quick visit all together, with very little time to do much of anything...hardly any sight seeing and definitely no time for shopping. SIGH....but there was enough time for a quick coffee break. And what a wonderful experience that was. I was finally able to meet up with an old friend from high school, not just an old friend, but one of my best friends, someone extremely near and dear to me. For most this is a neat experience in of itself, but for me, it was really an exciting experience to be able to reconnect with any one from high school and to be able to see them in person is even that much cooler. Most people live within the same geographical zone of their high school. For me it's 14.000 miles away. And after many years of losing touch, I am now able to remain connected to John, thanks to technology. So yeah for seeing old friends!!!
In late April, again, I was fortunate enough to meet up with another high school friend. And this time we were able to share a meal together at a Singapore hawker style restaurant. It was perfect ambiance as well, just not enough local Singaporeans, but the weather was just that in Singapore, hot and humid. So glad that Steve made the trek up to visit.
At the beginning of May, the kids and I piggybacked a trip to SF with Adam as he attended a training. There we stayed in the city, which was a HUGE treat in of itself, since there is lots of family in the bay area, we hardly ever get to the city much less stay in a hotel. Well, what a treat that was. We met up with my aunt and cousins for dinner in Chinatown. What a feast! We also got to meet up with Adam's parents and spent the day with them at Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39. The kids had a great time. The only thing we didn't get to do on our trip was ride the trolley. It was going to be quite a feat managing a stroller and 2 young ones on a trolley. So we opted out. Instead we did all the other touristy awesome! We visited the Butterfly pavillion (took forever to get to...HATE driving in the city), went to Ghiradelli square, Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, Chinatown (where we went to the fortune cookie factory, so cool!) and of course shopping in Union Square.
Happy times in May were soon followed by sadness. As many of you know, my aunt had bravely battled breast cancer for two years. It took us all by surprise, since she hadn't indicated her great pain and discomfort. So the dreaded phone call came, when my cousin called and said its serious, I had to call my parents and give them the news. Many hours later, one by one, my family flew in from all over and stayed vigil by my aunt. Countless hours and praying and finally she was given peace and taken to heaven. Although we miss her dearly here, I know that she is watching over us and finally at peace. I am posting a link to my family's blog that has some video footage of my lovely aunt.
Shortly following my aunt's passing, Adam and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. Definitely not the way we have ever spent any other anniversary. I was literally laid up in bed from constant morning sickness. Yup...#3 is on its way!
Another whirlwind trip up north as we visited our niece for her college graduation. Four days for the trip and about 20+ hours of driving, all of which is definitely not conducive for a pregnant woman experiencing extreme morning sickness that is aggravated by riding in a car. Wish all my nieces and nephews choose to attend schools much closer to me! Congrats Ashley!!!
The boys finished up school in June and so began our whirlwind summer. Summer for us would be extremely short, since Logan started Kindergarten in mid-August. I need to talk to someone at the school district to see if they clearly understand when summer is over...At the end of June, we participated in VBS (vacation bible school) at the boys' preschool. Once again, VBS was a full week of fun, friends and learning....and of course sheer exhaustion!
Now moving into July...VACATION!!! WOOHOO!!! We made our annual trip out to Houston to visit my parents. And what a blast we had! The kids had a great time and so did we. Really getting some quality time to bond and catch up as a family. The boys sure do love it there. If they could move all their friends with them, they would be there in a heart beat. We were able to celebrate Adam's birthday at a delicious Brazilian churrascaria. YUM! Another treat we got? My parents sent us off on a night away from the kids. It was so nice to be able to wake up on my own terms. We stayed in a restored French mansion in Houston...interesting place.
So we're finally back home, but not for long. The last trip of the summer is to Denver. We started our trip meeting up with MORE of my old friends from high school. That was ever so cool. Sam (and his sister) used to live with us for two years, so we definitely had a lot to catch up on. Kelly was my partner in partying...thank goodness she didn't divulge all my past! After a fun but WAY too short lunch, we headed over to my uncle's restaurant. Such delicious food there! A great treat to be able to spend time with my uncle and aunt and cousins. For the boys, meeting up with their cousins was the highlight of their summer. They just loved it! Dinner time rolls around and the boys are in for a surprise! My parents rolled in. They were so excited to be able to have so much family all around. Adam spent most of the week in the Denver office, while the kids and I spent time with family. In the evenings, the kids were with my parents at my aunt and uncle's house while Adam and I were able to get away for a couple of adult dinners with his team.
Back from Denver, we gear up for another week of VBS, this time at our MOPS church. This week was an extremely busy week, but a great week all together. My girlfriend and I have big roles (that we even had to rehearse for!) that required leading the kids for a portion of their days every day. The funniest part of it all? Watching 2 4+ month pregnant women dancing and pseudo-jumping! What a great week at VBS!
And one more treat before school started...a family favorite (well, for most these Frieds that is) a Dodgers game! This particular story is actually quite funny. My friend John from my high school had tickets to the game through his work and was only in town for the night. I had originally planned to meet up with him at his hotel after the game, but had thought long and hard about the logistics since it would have been a late game, long drive, etc. So jokingly in my head, I said, I should just go to the game and see him there. Well, lo and behold I did just that. A friend had called Adam and offered him field level tickets. I said he should go, but he had to find us tickets. So he found us some nosebleed tickets and to the game we were all headed! So we had Adam sitting at the field level with his buddies, the Young family sitting in the Loge section, John in the suites and me and the boys at the nosebleeds. We just needed to have a friend in the pavillion that night and we would have known someone in every section of the stadium. Most of the game was spent trying to find everyone through the binoculars, with much success. And of course, I did get to meet up with John. He did have to leave the suites to come to the lowly reserve nosebleed section, but it was a great inning that we got to spend catching up. The game of course was great. The boys were awesome...Logan said when the baby came he'd like to come back to a game with just me (not daddy, since he doesn't root for the Dodgers) so he can learn more about baseball. The night ended with me as the designated driver, 2 liquored men, and 2 boys fast asleep. And what would a late night game be without a traditional Tommy's stop? Tommy's definitely hit the spot!
We started school earlier this month, and have since been into the swing of things, but not without another trip! We spent some time at Grandma and Grandpa's house up north visiting with Uncle Marshall (or as Logan called him, Grandpa Marshall) and cousin Dan. The adult Fried boys headed out to Pleasanton for a day at the Good Guys car show. The younger Fried boys didn't understand that a car show was not a TV show on TV or a movie, but rather a bunch (3500+) cars on display for men to oogle and ogle at. Three hours at Chuck E. Cheese's was plenty for the boys, and of course seeing their cousins was a blast.
And that for the most part is where we left least the highlights. It's hard to believe that we just celebrated Jake's 7th birthday and are getting ready to celebrate Peyton's 4th. And after that comes Halloween, followed by Thanksgiving and then the arrival of the newest Fried. With only 4 male Frieds from this family tree, Adam has been able to almost double the Fried population/legacy in just 6 short years. And of course, the blog name doesn't have to change...So that leaves me with my eternal princess crown...and I was hoping to pass it off and trade up for a bigger crown, you know...Queen of it all!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kindergarten...Where did the Time Go?
I guess the emotions started on Monday when we went to school to find out who his teacher will be. Logan had a challenging time when his teacher Miss Mattson asked the students to line up to get ready to go on the playground while the parents stayed in class to listen to what Kindergarten will be all about.
Today, Joie and I swapped with Logan. While he handled his first day like a champ, Joie and I were emotional, while my emotions did not show the way Joie's did it is still shocking to me that Logan is starting Kindergarten. While he did not have any friends he knew in his actual class, he has friends at the school in different classes. We were proud to hear that Logan made 2 friends today in Joshua and Isaac.
I could be wrong although I swear there is Chinese gymnast in his Kindergarten class. I have placed a call to the IOC to make sure they are aware this. I am just not sure if it is He Kexin or Jiang Yuyuan. I knew last night that I recognized them from the Monday event. Look for the U.S. Women to get their rightfully deserved gold medal once I uncover this story.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
U.S. Open of Surfing
You are probably wondering where the funny part of this story is, here it is. I knew the boys were going to fall asleep on the way home (70 mile drive) so I quickly found a McD's before getting on the freeway. The boys got their usual Chicken Nugget Happy Meal with milk and apples (No sauce because we were eating in the car). As I am driving on the freeway I am looking in the rear view mirror and I can see Peyton is so tired. Like the previous post, I ask him "Peyton are you tired? Do you want to stop eating?" he responds with "I am not tired Daddy." 3 minutes later and 2 small bites into his 3rd nugget, the little guy is passed out with a chicken nugget in his right hand and a box with 2 nuggets in his lap. Logan looked over at him and saw that his brother passed out with a hand full of nugget and started laughing hysterically.
Friday, July 18, 2008
I don't think I have been to a Circus since I was 8 or 9 years old. I must say it was a good show, thoroughly entertained. Of course anytime I see elephants drop 40 lbs. of dookie all over the floor and piss like a Moen shower head I am going to feel like I got my money's worth. I tried to contain myself during those moments. I wanted to make sure Logan and Peyton were aware, yet I did not want that to be their favorite moment. Luckily the 4 then 5 then 7 motorcycles in the sphere outranks the elephant bombs.
Don't worry, I have a video I took of the activity, it will be posted once I condense the size. I am sure everyone that reads this is very excited about this. I will say it was quite impressive, even Joie thought it was funny that a guy was trying to catch the gigantic brown snowball sized #2 on his shovel.
At any rate, enough disgusting talk. I am going to relax. Anyone want some meatloaf?
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I'm Not Tired...

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Cleaning, Yardwork and Playtime...Oh Boy!!!
It started first thing this morning. Normally on a weekend morning I am woken up with the shout of "DAAAAAADDDDDY I'MMMM AAAAWWWWAAAAKKKKEEE!" Which I don't recommend that anyone should start their day like that. As Logan approaches the milestone age of 5 1/2 we have been stressing to him to look at his clock and if it says 7:00 or later he can just get out of bed and come into our room. Today, it appears that our lesson is paying off. Logan walked into our room and gave me "the tap" the tap that my dad said I used to do when I would walk into my parents room when I had a bad dream in the middle of the night. Logan's tap was greeted with a "Daddy, I'm awake." which is much different then the above. Trust me, it made a world of difference for the entire day.
The rest of the day was spent doing some cleaning, yardwork and playing/relaxing. Logan and Peyton helped Joie and I do some cleaning and straightening in the garage (much needed). Logan had a blast using my Shop Vac to vaccum the cracks in the garage, his shirt, Peyton's shirt and my shorts (it is clear that boys will be boys). Peyton entertained me by blasting "Stomp Rockets" all over our front yard. Watching him jump and land on the stomp pad and seeing his rockets go 20 feet in the air was awesome (Boys will be boys...present company included).
We took a trip to Home Depot (Can't help but think of this clip from Old School when I say Home Depot or Bed Bath and Beyond ) We came home and we did some yardwork (no wallpapering) and the kids helped by gathering the rocks in our planters, pulling weeds and helping me dig holes.
The playing part of the day started in the morning although it was at its peak once on the boys were in their PJ's. Peyton has a big balloon and he and Logan love hitting it around. We came up with our own family game of "Tennis" more like a combo of volleyball, soccer and tennis. Two teams, we set up a line dividing Peyton's room in half we hit the balloon and if it lands on the carpet on Team A's side (Joie and Peyton) then Team B (Adam and Logan) get a point and vice versa. You get the jist...It won't be an Olympic sport till 2016. The kids were laughing, we were laughing it was an awesome way to end vacation and start the week. Of course Joie having to stop play to run to the bathroom to dry heave will always make the kids laugh too. As Logan and Peyton will tell anyone "Seeing Mommy 'spit up' is our favorite!" (once again, boys will be boys).
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Dinner and the Game
Tonight we were sitting down eating dinner. During the NBA Finals we let the kids stay up to watch the Lakers which they enjoy. I am not sure if they actually like watching the Lakers or if they just like staying up late. Tonight was different for a few reasons.
1. We ate dinner in front of the TV on TV trays.
2. We couldn't watch the entire game because it was so depressing.
3. Peyton once again amazed us with a comment unlike any other (Ok so that is not different).
As we were eating our yummy burrito's Peyton tries to be sneeky and snag a chip from Joie's plate. Joie being the sultan of food (I won't call her the food nazi) tells Peyton "No, chips until you eat more of your burrito" to which Peyton responds in a very calm manner with..."You are piss'n me out."
This comment from Mr. P makes me think of only one thing..."What else is he going to learn from those kids on the playground?"